Favourite Christmas memory? - @mxllxem
I'm not really sure what my favourite christmas memory is, because I love so much about Christmas. However on Christmas Day I love getting up really early and seeing my stocking at the end of my bed and then going downstairs and seeing all the presents under the tree. There's just something so special about it and I'm getting really excited writing this! I also love how every year my family have a massive Christmas dinner and we pig out so much! I literally eat as much as I can and I'm not even ashamed of that, haha!
What's your favourite Christmas Song?- @bectavendale.cet
I love 'We wish you a merry Christmas' because it's just such a classic and whenever I hear that know it's Christmas. But I also like Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas is you'. I just think it's such a nice song and I love it. Recently I've also been obsessed with Ariana Grande's 'Santa tell me'. It's so good and her voice is amazing. It also just puts me in such a happy mood.
What's on your Christmas wish list?- @itslaurenvictoria
Lot's of little things really. I've asked for some of Tanya Burr and Zoella's Christmas cosmetics and also this really cute Buddha statue thing that is really nice and pretty, to put on my shelf. Also I've asked for some walking boots as in the summer I have a school trip to Iceland, which I can't wait for! but I need some good walking boots as we will be doing lot's of long walks on the ice caps and near waterfalls and things like that.
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?- @carensagreen
CHRISTMAS DAY! I do love Christmas Eve but I feel like only the evening is fun. Also I get really annoyed at night because I can never get to sleep, as I'm so excited for the next day. I just feel like Christmas Day is so special and it's what you've been waiting for and everything about it is amazing.
Do you have any traditions you do on Christmas Eve?- @sophiexlouisa
Just the norm really. I put my stocking out ready for 'Father Christmas' (aka my parents ;), and we also leave a mince pie or cookies out for him and a carrot for the reindeer. Me and my brothers also get to open one present each, which is so exciting! We also all watch some TV as there's always something christmassy on.
What Time do you wake up on Christmas day?- @amybatchen
Well, I wake up at around 4 or 5 in the morning but I always try to get to sleep for a bit because that's just way too early. So I then get up at around half past 6 and go into my little brothers room, or he comes into my room, and we open our stockings.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas?- @secretsofbeauty_x
This is SO hard to choose. I love almost everything about it! But it would probably have to be how festive everything is and how excited people get. I also love all the Christmas lights and decorations that go up and how pretty it makes some houses look. The food is also amazing and I love that at Christmas you don't have to care about what you eat and you can just pig out.
Thank you for reading!
Love, Emma x
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