Barry M Nail Polish Collection

Barry M nail polishes are one of the the first nail polish brands I ever tried and I still love them now. They come in so many different colours and ranges so you can always find whatever colour you are looking for. And they also seem to last quite a while without chipping and the formulation is just really nice. They are only £2.99 or £3.99 for the 'gelly high shine' and other effects. I definitely recommend them :)
So for this post as I have a little collection of them now, I thought I'd go through them all and show you some of my favourites.

'Gelly High Shine'
This is just a plain white, but I really like it for summer on its own, or in winter with a sparkly nail polish over the top. 
Prickly Pear
I think this is one of my favourites and I used to wear it a lot. It's a very pretty pastel lilac colour so the name doesn't really fit, but its cute.
I have done a whole blog post for this nail polish before so if you want to check that out just click here. Like I said in that post it really is just the perfect nude colour and is easy to wear as it goes with any outfit and is quite discreet.
This polish just reminds me of summer so much as I wore it quite a lot then and it's such a nice bright orangey red.
This is such a nice pastel blue colour and the name is the cutest thing ever. Again I love this for summer and its quite easy to wear.
I didn't get this that long ago, but I'd seen a lot of other bloggers/youtubers wearing it and I just thought it looked so pretty. I really should wear this more often as I love the colour.

I use this for a basecoat more than a nail hardener or topcoat, and it works okay, but sometimes if you wear really dark colours then it doesn't really protect your nails very well, so I wouldn't recommend it.
Jingle Bells
I have also done a blog post on this before as it's so nice for Christmas and makes me feel so happy with all the confetti and stars in it. If you want to go have a read of that then you can just click here.

I got these two ages ago and to be honest I can't remember using them much at all. Also this colour is pretty self explanatory so I don't really need to go on about this one too much.
Neon Pink
This is quite a nice colour but I don't really think it's 'my cup of tea' if you know what I mean. It's just a really bright pink and it also has a sort of metallic look to it.

'Speedy Quick Dry'

Kiss Me Quick
I really want to get some more from this range as I really like them and the packaging is also really cute. This colour is a really pretty pastel pink and I really like it as it's quite girly compared to a lot of my other nail polishes.
Pit Stop
I love this nail polish A LOT. The colour is amazing and even though I have about five different shades of grey nail polishes from different brands, this is probably my favourite. 

Thank you for reading!
Let me know if you are as obsessed with Barry M nail polishes as much as I am!

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  1. Wow, this collection is amazing! The Gelly range is deffo my favourite, my favourites are Blueberry and Rose hip! Lovely post as usual xx

    Phoebe & Abida //

    1. really want to get Rose hip! Thank you! <3 x

  2. What an amazing collection! Blueberry is my favourite shade! x

