A Stroll In Shoreditch


On a school art trip to Shoreditch (London) recently, I took lots of pictures of the street art as its so amazing and I also have to use it in my school project. We also went to Tate Modern too, but I much preferred the street art as in Tate Modern a lot of the art wasn't very impressive e.g. there was a Sainsburys receipt on the wall! So not going to lie it wasn't that interesting and there wasn't much talent. But don't get me wrong there were some amazing pieces and I know that the art is just meant to make you think but I just feel like anyone could have done it. But anyway here are all the photos I took in Shoreditch...

Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street ArtShoreditch Street ArtShoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street ArtShoreditch Street ArtShoreditch Street ArtShoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art
Shoreditch Street Art

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